[Ayyub 1997] |
B.M. Ayyub, R.H. McCuen
Probability, statistics, and reliability for engineers
CRC Press, Boca Raton 1997
An excellent textbook on statistics and its application
to engineering problems; recommended. |
[Backhaus 1994] |
K Backhaus, B. Erichson, W. Plinke, R. Weiber
Multivariate Analysemethoden
Springer, Berlin 1994, 7th edition
extensive introduction to multivariate techniques;
in German language |
[Barnett 1994] |
V. Barnett, T. Lewis, V. Rothamsted
Outliers in Statistical Data
Wiley, New York 1994 |
[Boslaugh 2008] |
S. Boslaugh, P.A. Watters
Statistics in a Nutshell
Sebastopol: O'Reilly, 2008
A concise introduction to statistics |
[Box 1978] |
G.E.P. Box, W.G. Hunter, J.S. Hunter
Statistics for experimenters
Wiley, New York 1978 |
[Fisher 1993] |
L.D. Fisher, G. val Belle
Wiley, New York, 1993
An excellent textbook on statistics; recommended |
[Flury 1983] |
B. Flury, H. Riedwyl
Angewandte multivariate Statistik
Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1983
An excellent textbook on multivariate statistics
(in German language) |
[Hair 1992] |
J.F. Hair jr, R.E. Anderson, R.L. Tatham, W.C. Black
Multivariate data analysis with readings
Macmillan Publishing Co., New York 1992 |
[Hogg 1992] |
R.V. Hogg, J. Ledolter
Applied statistics for engineers and physical scientists
Macmillan Publishing Company, New York 1992 |
[Krzanowski 2003] |
W.J. Krzanowski
Principles of Multivariate Analysis
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003 |
[Livingstone 2009] |
D. Livingstone
A Practical Guide to Scientific Data Analysis
Chichester: Wiley, 2009 |
[McClave 1997] |
J.T. McClave, F.H. Dietrich, T. Sincich:
Prentice Hall 1997
A standard textbook on statistics; recommended. |
[Moore 2009] |
D.S. Moore, W.I. Notz
Statistics - Concepts and Controversies
W. H. Freeman and Company, 2009
A textbook on classical statistics. The authors impart their knowledge and insights in a very understandable way, avoiding too much math and offering lots of examples; recommended. |
[Ramsey 2002] |
F.L. Ramsey, D.W. Schafer:
The Statistical Sleuth
Duxbury, Pacific Grove 2002
A hands-on textbook with lots of case studies which requires a minimum of statistical knowledge. Recommended for the practical reinforcement of theoretical knowledge.
[Rice 2007] |
J.A. Rice
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis
Brooks/Cole, Belmont 2007, 3rd edition
An excellent textbook on mathematical statistics; recommended |
[Tabak 2011] |
J. Tabak
Probability and Statistics - The Science of Uncertainty
Facts On File, 2011
A concise and easy to read overview on the history of statistics. A book review can be found in the DataLab blog (in German language). |